
Episode 25 – Destruction’s Light

Having vanquished Xardorok, our heroes were quickly ushered out of the Duergar stronghold by Grandolpha’s allies. They decided to free the illithid eunoch F’yorl and take him with them. F’yorl expressed dubious gratitude. Our heroes then adjusted the flight path using Xardorok’s map, forcing the construct to double back to Dougan’s hole before proceeding to […]


Episode 24 – Xardorok’s demise and Ominous Tidings

Our heroes descended deeper into the duergar fortress. The found a temple of Deep Duerra, to which was chained an emaciated Illithid. The Illithid had it’s tentacles surgically removed, and a metal plate on its head. It could communicate telepathically, but seemed to lack the more sinister abilities of a typical Illithid. Yrso freed it, […]


Episode 23 – Sunblight

Our Heroes, having warned the Ten Towns of the Duergar invasion plot, decided to attack Sunblight itself. They rode with haste to the fortress, finding the austere citadel hewn from the steep cliffside in the spine of the world. They krept quietly to the front gate, and after struggling to open the stone doors, were […]


Angajuk’s Bell

Angajuk is a whale with a boat on its back. Most people in the ten towns are at least somewhat familiar with this story, but some take it so seriously they make pilgrimage across the dangerous tundra to the fabled bell to summon and converse with the creature.


Episode 22 – A Growing Threat

Our heroes set off back to the ten towns to deliver rum to town of Goodmead. On their way, they encountered a group of friendly and enthusiastic goliaths from the Wyrmdoom tribe. The goliaths were searching for a whale named Angajuk with a boat on his back. Angajuk is said to speak with those who […]


Episode 21 – The Dark Duchess

Our Heroes finally reached the Dark Duchess. The ship had long been abandoned in the Sea of Moving Ice , frost and snow had nearly consumed it. As our heroes approached they could hear the snarls of an Ice Troll within the ships’ hold. Our heroes snuck in to find it attempting to break into […]


The Ordning

The Ordning was a celestial structure that bound all giant-kind in a strict heirarchy. Adnahn the Allfather shattered the Ordning for reasons unknown to the giants or anyone else, but many have interpreted it as a call to strive for more, and to break out of the complacency that dominated giants for millenia. These giants […]



Avarice is an albino tiefling with a deeply unpleasant personality. She has demonstrated a willingness to abandon her allies to the fates. She fled Caer Dinneval when the tide of battle turned on the Knights of the Black Sword who hosted her, and left Torga to die during a failed ambush. She is a member […]


Episode 20 – Old and New friends

Our Heroes emerged from Jarlmoot to find a squaking crow and thunderous applause from a single person. The frost giant, Gromin Gorn stepped forward and introduced herself. She congratulated the heroes and explained that the Jarlmoot’s trials and rewards are tailor made for whoever enters the ring of thrones. She indicated that in the Jarl’s […]


Episode 19 – The Path of Pain and the Trial of the Jarlmoot

After two weeks of relaxation in the sunny ten towns, our heroes decided to pursue an old lead to recover rum from the Dark Duchess. The job would provide some much needed restocking of our heroes’ coffers and who wouldn’t want to plumb the depths of a scuttled pirate ship? After a days journey our […]